It's hard in T&S right now but it's not all bad
Exciting AI developments from Reddit and Hinge and the resourcefulness and innovation of the T&S community are a reminder that Trust & Safety is an industry with lots to be proud of
The ethical and practical flaws in Meta's policy overhaul
Yes, Meta's recent policy overhaul says a lot about the company's priorities, leadership and strategic direction. But it's also a badly written and confusing policy. And the problem with bad policies is that they are very hard to enforce correctly.
I read the State of Safety Tech report so you don’t have to (but you should)
An important, and growing, part of the Trust & Safety landscape is the support and expertise provided by technology services companies (aka vendors). A new report sheds more light on these companies
What the T&S community predicts for 2025
Over the last 12 months, T&S leaders and practitioners have seen unprecedented change in an industry that many have worked in for years and many others are brand new to. I asked a few of them what their predictions were for 2025
Why "censorship" is complex
High error rates during moderation enforcement often leads to user frustration and accusations of censorship. As Meta's Nick Clegg showed this week, these issues are not just technical but political and rarely understood outside T&S teams. That poses a problem.