South Korea's deepfake crackdown, Durov latest and no more quote post dunking
The week in content moderation - edition #261
Durov and the importance of figuring out what's next
Career progression isn't an accident - it's something you need to actively work on. Here are my go-to links and resources to help you think through what's next for you.
Introducing 'personhood credentials', Brazil goes after platforms and following Barclay
The week in content moderation - edition #260
The DSA article you didn't know about, but should
Two online dispute settlement (ODS) bodies have been certified to take user appeals under Article 21 of the Digital Services Act. This could be a revolutionary change to the way that user appeals work
A giant repository of AI risks, Breton's latest bust-up and interim at the Integrity Institute
The week in content moderation - edition #259
T&S is professionalising — but how?
Trust & Safety, as a profession, is at a crossroads. The regulatory landscape is leading towards professionalisation, and the industry — as proven by TrustCon — is growing quickly. Luckily, the Cybersecurity and Privacy industries have walked this path before us
Rioting and online regulation, a taxonomy for GenAI misuse and Harry & Meghan's support group
The week in content moderation - edition #258
Mind the internet safety gap
A recent survey shows that young women and girls in the global majority regularly face abuse online, but feel as though they are not supported by platforms, parents, schools, or law enforcement. How can we close this gap?
The delicate balance of safety and speech, Nazis (again) and the realities of NCII abuse
The week in content moderation - edition #257
Are we entering T&S’ punk rock phase?
T&S professionals aren't being beaten down by layoffs and budget cuts; they're coming together and getting things done themselves. A bit like when I published zines as a teenager