A "pivotal moment" for speech regulation, OpenAI's safety push and another Kenyan court case

Hello and welcome to Everything in Moderation, your guide to the content moderation week that was. It's written by me, Ben Whitelaw and supported by members like you.
You'll notice that today's newsletter has a sizeable chunk on generative AI, which I expect will form an increasingly large part of the broader discussion on internet governance. If you have any questions on how AI might be regulated or thoughts generally, let me know. I'd love to run a Viewpoint on the topic in the near future.
A traditionally warm welcome to new subscribers from WhatsApp, Glitterpill, Brainly, TWWP, Tremau and many more of you who, presumably, are just as interested in this fascinating topic as I am.
Thank you, as ever, for reading and supporting the newsletter. Here's everything in moderation this week — BW
New and emerging internet policy and online speech regulation
Online speech regulation is "a pivotal moment for future web-related innovation" and must seek to "maximize both citizen participation and future opportunity and choice", according to a new mini-report comparing the Digital Services Act and Section 230. The brief, produced by the McCourt Institute, followed an expert roundtable in Paris earlier this month and provides a high-level account of how we got where we are plus recommendations that include creating "future-proof and agile rules and frameworks". Nice idea but easier said than done.